Miracle Deliverance Prophetic Temple of God


What We Believe

We believe the Scriptures, both Old and New Testaments, are given by God’s inspiration, and in the original writings they are without error. We believe the Scriptures were written by God through people and therefore speak with the authority of God while reflecting the backgrounds, styles, and vocabularies of the human authors. They are the unique and final authority on all matters of Christian faith and practice.

The Bible

We believe the Scriptures, both Old and New Testaments, are given by God’s inspiration, and in the original writings they are without error. We believe the Scriptures were written by God through people and therefore speak with the authority of God while reflecting the backgrounds, styles, and vocabularies of the human authors. They are the unique and final authority on all matters of Christian faith and practice.


We believe in one God, creator of all things, infinitely perfect and eternally existing in three persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.


We believe that Jesus Christ is true God and true man, having been conceived of the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin Mary. He died on the cross as a sacrifice for our sins according to the Scriptures. We believe he was raised from the dead, ascended into heaven, and now acts as the only mediator between God and people.


We believe that the ministry of the Holy Spirit, as the third person of the Trinity, is to apply the saving work of Christ. He does this by bringing conviction of a person’s need for the forgiveness of Christ. He regenerates their heart and then permanently indwells them when they believe. His ongoing work is to guide, instruct, and empower the believer for godly living and service.


We believe that people were created in the image of God for a loving relationship with God. However, people have rebelled against God, actively or passively choosing to go their own independent way. As a result, we’re separated from God and suffer the corruption of our nature because of our sin. The effects of this fall from our intended relationship with God can be reversed through faith in Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of our sins.


We believe that Jesus Christ died as the substitution for the death penalty we owed. No amount of good works or human effort can restore us from our state of eternal alienation from God. It is only by God’s free grace that we are saved from this state of alienation, and this grace is appropriated by a change of heart toward God’s leadership in our lives and by faith in Jesus to forgive our sins.


We believe that there is only one true Church universal composed of all people who have asked Jesus Christ for forgiveness and made Him leader of their lives. The diversity of all believers working together, using their gifts to build up one another, form the parts of the body of Christ, the Church. The scripture commands believers to gather together to devote themselves to worship, prayer, the teaching of God’s Word, using our gifts to build up one another, outreach, communion, and baptism. Wherever God’s people meet in obedience to this command, there is the local expression of the church. We believe that Jesus Christ is the Lord and Head of the Church, and that every local church has the right under Christ to decide and govern its own affairs.


We believe that transformation, growth and life change are evidence of a person’s connection to God. As we continue to pursue a real relationship with God He will continue to change us to become more like Christ. But it requires our willingness and intentionality. “The Way of Christ” is simply Gateway’s name for being intentional about your spiritual growth in relationship with others who are going the same way. It includes loving God, building character, loving people and being the Body.



Every pattern, every principle, and every promise in this Bible has been ordained by God and given to us for our good! However, these Biblical principles are not just for Pastors and Leaders, it is for every one of us who has named the name of Christ and has received the Holy Ghost, and has been planted in the beloved Body of Christ! It is truly my belief that unless we incorporate into our lives the TRUTH of this Bible with LOVE, we have very little to look forward to in this world. 

I Corinthians 15:19

  • If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men most miserable!

In other words, if we only have the hope in Christ while we are in this world, we have missed or forfeited the true hope of being with Christ beyond this life at the end of this world! Now, I said all of that to say this; the foundational principles and doctrinal beliefs of our Church, Miracle Deliverance Prophetic Temple of God Inc. are based upon the Bible; and if we govern ourselves by these principles and doctrinal beliefs, we can and will advance towards the purpose of CORPORATE DESTINY! It is my prayer and desire that we all come into agreement this week of Holy Convocation with the way God planned and expects for us to live our lives for Him!



  • We believe the Bible to be the ONLY infallible and authoritative WORD OF GOD! Although there are many versions of the Bible, we consider the King James Version to be our main source of Bible knowledge! We believe according to the Word II Timothy 3:16-17, that the Word of God was written by men who were inspired of God!
  • We believe in ONE GOD, FATHER of all and CREATOR! We believe in ONE SON OF GOD, JESUS CHRIST, who is 

CO-CREATOR and the PROPITIATION for our sins, according to I John 2:1-2 and II John 1:3!

  • We believe in the DEITY (divine holiness) of our Lord, Jesus Christ! We believe that He was conceived of the Spirit of God, immaculately placed in the womb of a virgin called Mary, and BORN into this world without SIN! 
  • We believe in Baptism in water for the remission of our sins! We emerge totally in the water as a symbol of our death to this world of sin, and we rise walking in a new life with Christ!
  • We believe in the BAPTISM OF THE HOLY GHOST, the indwelling power and Spirit of God sent to earth to guide us to the things of God, and to lead us in all manners of TRUTH! He is the third person of the GOD-HEAD and is the operating and keeping power of GOD in this earth. His purpose is to daily live inside of us as Believers and Followers of Jesus Christ! (Acts 2:1-4, I Corinthians 2:12-16)
  • We believe that JESUS CHRIST is the atonement for our sins, and we pray to HIM and not to Mother Mary! Although we honor Mary as His earthly mother, we believe that it is the ATONING DEATH OF JESUS the CHRIST, THAT SAVED US FROM OUR SINS! We also believe in HIS bodily Resurrection from the grave and HIS Ascension into Heaven where He is now sitting on the right side of the FATHER making “Inter-cession” for us daily! (Matthew 1:18-21, and Hebrews 7:11-28)
  • We believe that there is ONLY ONE WAY TO BE FREE FROM SIN, AND THAT IS THROUGH CONFESSION AND REPENTANCE of our sins! We believe that by acknowledging Jesus Christ as the SON of GOD, and asking Him to forgive you of your sins, you come into fellowship and covenant with Him for the rest of your life! We believe that Jesus will in no wise cast anyone away who asks for forgiveness; according to John 6:37-40! However, we also believe that once you are forgiven of your sins, you are not to go back to the sins you were forgiven for! John 5:11-15, John 8:4-11 YOU MUST WALK AND TALK AND LIVE A NEW LIFE!

We further believe that once you have believed in the Lord Jesus and His death and resurrection, and have confessed your sins and received forgiveness, you are SAVED! You now CAN and WILL receive the Gift of the Holy Ghost according to Acts 2:1-4! You will also receive POWER to live a Holy life with and for the Lord according to Acts 1:8! We believe in the Blessed Hope, according to I Thessalonians 4:16-18, where the saints of God shall be “raptured” caught up to Jesus in the air!

Miracle Deliverance Prophetic