Miracle Deliverance Prophetic Temple of God


Church History

The Spirit of the Lord led our Pastor, who had just been Pastoring for about two years, Vanessia M. Livingston (who is now our Chief Apostle) to begin crusades or fellowships nationally and abroad with Covenant Church families. In the beginning stages of our Church, our Annual Holy Convocations were not called what it is today.

History of The Miracle Deliverance
Prophetic Temple of God, Inc.

Elder Daniel and Mother Sarah Livingston were the founders of this Ministry in 1978 at which time it was called Miracle Deliverance and established it upon holy principles! Therefore, we will continue to uphold these principles! Miracle Deliverance is located at 28 North Olden Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609.

The church would later be called Miracle Deliverance Prophetic Temple of God, Inc. under the leadership of our pastor, Pastor Vanessia M. Livingston. As the church was flourishing and operating in Trenton, New Jersey, the Spirit of the Lord led our Pastor, who had just been Pastoring for about two years, Vanessia M. Livingston (who is now our Chief Apostle) to begin crusades or fellowships nationally and abroad with Covenant Church families. In the beginning stages of our Church, our Annual Holy Convocations were not called what it is today. The Church membership at this time was only few in numbers, so we traveled as a team. Our first crusade was held in Dallas, Texas in April 1990, and the second crusade was also held in Texas in 1991. These fellowships were with our beloved late Pastor Bobbi Thomas. The third crusade was held in Montego Bay, Jamaica in 1992 with our dear friend Pastor Carter. We had such an experience in humility as we saw the realness in the hearts of God’s people. It was a blessing to see their hearts melt in worship and to know their love for God was so intense. It was an experience that all of us should have at some time. Then, by 1993 the ministry had grown and expanded to Florida and California. Thus, our fourth crusade was held in Lakeland, Florida at Miracle Deliverance #2 in 1993 with our very own Pastor Eric and the late 1st Lady Joann Teasley. Shortly following, our fifth crusade was held in Los Angeles, California at Miracle Deliverance #3 in 1994 with our late Pastor Rose Kizier! By 1995, the Lord spoke to our Chief Apostle, Dr. Vanessia M. Livingston, to begin having the services in Trenton, New Jersey at the Headquarters Church. At this time, the name of our Crusades was changed to Holy Convocations with the attendance of our Covenant Churches. 

Our Chief Apostle, Dr. Vanessia M. Livingston, has now been pastoring for 34 years. God has given her a “New Vision”. On May 25, 2016, we were successful in the demolition of our building at 28 North Olden Avenue Trenton, New Jersey. We extend a tremendous “Thank You” to all the Saints, supporter, and participants who so willingly donated their time and money into this historical event! Our new building project is still underway! 

We are presently in the advanced process with our architects and engineers in getting our site plan approval with the City for our new Temple.

As we await our new Temple, we would love for you to be a part of our worship. You can come fellowship with us on Sunday’s from 11:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. at 1217 Rev. S. Howard Woodson Jr. Way, Trenton, New Jersey 08638.

Miracle Deliverance Prophetic